Glass Mill, Ashley Vale, 1528-1898 : notes on its history and its contribution to local history – and several outstanding questions

The existence of Glass Mill is still recorded on the street plan of Bristol by a 'mill pond' at the northern, dead, end of Mina Road. Alongside it is now a pumping station which continues to supply water to the city from the brooks which have fed both mill and the town for hundreds of years. Ward discusses its contribution to local history, as well as other relevant questions that have materialised.

From Norway to Narroways: A Short History of Narroways Hill in St Werburghs, Bristol

Narroways Hill is the southernmost outlier of the Purbeck Ridge in N.E. Bristol. It is a hundred foot high hill composed of red Keuper Marl – a sticky red limey mud-stone. Once the entire region was covered by oakwoods. Harry McPhillimy looks at the long history of this historic place, and its role in the development of the Great Western Railway.